
A (nearly) daily update for my wonderful family!

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Sad things

This week got off to a rough start on Sunday morning. I was scheduled to work at 9 a.m. and I got in my car at 10 til only to find that it wouldn't start. I called my friend, Laura, and she took me to work. Mom came to Valdosta and picked me up after I got off and we went to try to jump my car. Turns out, the battery is fine and the starter is fine... We think that there is something wrong with the fuel injector. It stinks because there's no way to be sure until I get it to a mechanic, and that means I have to have it towed. Luckily, insurance covers towing, so at least I don't have to worry about that. Still, I DO have to worry about the actual expenses of getting whatever is wrong fixed. Hopefully I will have enough money. Mom's in a tight spot because Kelsey has to get her wisdom teeth out and insurance no longer covers that, plus (big sigh) we have to put Dottie down. She has terrible hip displacia and can't even walk anymore, and her teeth are bad. The vet said that the average life expectancy for a bassett is 8 years, and she's 12, so we really are lucky. Still, that's my baby, you know? I got her for my 8th birthday, and I love her so much. On top of Dottie, Sonny will probably die soon, too. He's got arthritis and tumors and he doesn't eat most days. My heart is breaking because I love them both so much. They're really a part of the family. I guess things will have to get up.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

First update in 3 WHOLE MONTHS!!

I can't believe that I haven't written anything on here for three months! So sorry to leave you guys wondering what's going on with me. I've been pretty busy with school lately. This past week was spring break. I did quite a bit of nothing much. It was oh so nice. :o)

Still, I did manage to get some important stuff out of the way. I had a doctor's appointment, a dentist appointment, and a hair appointment. Mom said, "Since you're home this week, we are going to get all this stuff done!"

Anyway, there's not much to write home about. I'm not dating anyone, so no news there! I'm still looking for a job, though. I only need one for a month, though, because I'll be home for the summer in the second (I think) week of May. I'll probably be working somewhere downtown. There are three possibilities, Relish (a little cafe/kitchen accessories shop down from CoCroft), At Home in Thomasville (a home decor/fragrance and makeup/skincare shop with a little bit of everything cool! -- this is my first choice!!), and Firefly (mostly jewelry and home decor). Any of these places would be fun to work, so hopefully I'll get a call from one of the owners! Next weekend I'll be home again, but busy busy. The reason I'm coming home is to babysit. I'll be keeping Dane (he's 6) and Delaney (1 year) overnight so their parents can visit a bed and breakfast for their anniversary. I'm pretty excited to stay overnight, because it should pay pretty well! Maybe if I save my money to pay my bills for April and part of May, I won't have to get a job in Valdosta (it seems kind of silly to have one for just a month). I guess we'll just have to see!

Friday, December 08, 2006

Hi again!

Wow. I didn't realize that it's been an entire month since I've last updated this thing! Sorry about that! Life got real busy for a while, and I just didn't think about it. Good news, school is FINALLY out for the semester, and I feel pretty good about it. Now I'm just waiting to go home. I have to stay in Valdosta until Saturday afternoon, because I'm scheduled to work from 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. and I do NOT want to get up at 5 in the morning to drive over to Valdosta from Thomasville. I'm still not too sure what on earth I'm gonna be doing at 7. Probably taking extra stuff to our off-site storage. There are boxes everywhere and it's ridiculously hard to get around. Yesterday we got yet another shipment (we get them every single day) and there was no where to go but up and of course there would be a box avalanche. It happens. As they were falling, I managed to get out a squawk and an, "OH NO!" before it all came tumbling down upon my feet. No injuries, thank goodness, but was I stressed. My manager came in and took one look at my face and said, "You should go get a Coke or something, sweetie." I love her.

Anyway, right now I'm waiting to smuggle a kitten into the dorms for about half an hour or so, and I'm pretty excited about that! My friend is adopting it but she has to take a final and the kitten will have no where to go, and that's where I come in. I'm a kittysitter! It's gonna be fun!

Love you all!!

Friday, November 10, 2006


TGIF! :o)

Last night Mom and I went to Belks after Poppy's birthday party, and I got 3 black shirts. Today I'm going to the mall with some friends and I'm going to get a couple pairs of black pants and hopefully a pair of shoes. We're eating at a steakhouse tonight to celebrate! I can't wait! I haven't had a steak in Lord knows how long. That cow is calling my name.

Tomorrow I start work! Pray for me!

Love lots,
Dixie Jean

Thursday, November 09, 2006


I'm so glad that this week is nearly over!! It's not been a bad one, but it's been so long. My 8 a.m. class was cancelled today so I got to sleep in. That was nice, especially because I couldn't fall asleep last night until nearly 3. I don't know what it was, but I was so wide-awake. Very frustrating. Sleeping in was nice, though. I got up at around 11 and I ate lunch here in my room. I had a Lean Pocket, some popcorn, an apple, and a glass of milk. It was a pretty good lunch! Today is Poppy's 80th birthday, so I am coming home after my 2 o'clock class and we're going to eat dinner with him. After dinner, I'll drive back to Valdosta, because I have class at 10 on Friday. Boo!

I had my job interview at Bath and Body Works on Tuesday. I think I've got the job, but I'm still waiting on that phone call. It's so nerve-wracking! Hopefully I'll get the call today. I can't wait to start working. Looks like everyone's getting something from B&BW for Christmas! :o)

Anyway, my hair is still wet from the shower, and I've got class in less than 40 minutes (meaning I have to leave in about 30 minutes!), so I'd better get dressed and dry my hair! Don't want to catch a cold! It's been chilly lately. I love it. Cold weather is so nice!

The three of me are ones that I took last night, and the picture of Kelsey and I is from last year. Oldie, but goodie! Also, if you click the picture, it will show a larger version that you can save if you'd like! Just right-click and select "Save Picture As".
Dixie Jean

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

The best yogurt in the world

Publix's Tropical Blend Fruit on the Bottom

It is amazing!

PS: I hadn't posted a picture in a while and I thought you guys might like one!

Monday, November 06, 2006

And so another week begins...

Hey everyone.

Today has been a day. Just a day. Nothing unusual or wonderful happened, nothing horrible or extraordinary. It's just a day. Emily and I went to Target at 4ish and we looked at home decor. Mostly furniture and bedding; stuff like that. We spent about half an hour in the Christmas department! After we got back from Target we ate dinner and then Emily left to take Brett (her fiance) a check to pay for her dog's medical bills. Minnie (her dog) had parvo, and she's well now, but they're still paying for the vet. I'm here in the room and I've got a whopper of a headache, so I think I'm going to go to bed early. I've got an 8 a.m. class anyway so it won't hurt!

I love you all!
Dixie Jean

PS: Grandma, you can comment on each blog individually, not just by clicking the link at the bottom of the page. :o) There's one at the bottom of each entry. It should be riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight under here. Look down!

Monday, October 30, 2006

A case of the Mondays

I've got a terrible headache and Sociology at 2. I just don't feel like today is going to be a good day. I'm counting down until 3:15 when class is over and I can take some Advil and a nap. Monday is kicking my butt.

Saturday, October 28, 2006


Today I woke up at about 7 to go work for Habitat for Humanity. I had a really good time and I plan on helping out again. It was fun! I helped clean out the inside of one of the in-progress houses. It was mostly a bunch of sweeping. I even have a blister on my thumb from the broom!

Anyway, that's my day so far. I'm coming to Thomasville to babysit for Ben and Chad Thomas. I'm excited about that. I love those boys! I'll be keeping them until around 11, so I don't know if I'll have time to see anyone. I'll stay the night, though, so I'll try to come by and see Daddy, Grandma and Grandaddy, and Nana and Poppy.

Well, I'm going to take a nap so that I don't fall asleep on the job! Love you all!

Thursday, October 26, 2006



Day 2 on the Blogger

Hello again!

So far I know that Mom and Grandma both have the link for this blog. Nana and Poppy I'm not sure about, but I'm going to double-check after I write this entry. Right now I'm just sitting in my room. I've got to leave for class in about 15 minutes, so there's not too much of anything to do right now. I figured it was a good time for an update! I'm so glad that the week is almost over. It's definitely been a busy one, and I hardly knew what to do with myself! As it is, I've still got a little ways to go. I've got to read three "short" (hardly!) stories for English class tomorrow, but you guys know me, I'm a bookworm. It probably won't take more than an hour.

I had class this morning at 8, so I got up at 7 to take a shower. It was so hard to get out of the bed! Emily woke me up at about 3:50 a.m. talking in her sleep. I say talking, but it was more like yelling! She was shouting, "4! 3! 2! 1!!!!! ARE YOU READY? WE HAVE TO GO NOW! TAKE OFF!!!!!" There's just no telling. I talk in my sleep, too. Emily told me that yesterday morning as she was getting ready for her teaching practicum at 6:30 that morning, she was talking to me about it, and I was replying... But not with conventional answers! She said, "You know, I think my teacher would be nicer if she had a boyfriend." And I replied, "Yeah, she's got all the men..." It's funny to think that we both talk in our sleep. Our friend came to stay with us for a couple days, and she said we kept waking her up in the middle of the night. Apparently, Emily and I have conversations in our sleep! I wonder what we say!

Anywho, it's getting about time to leave for class, so I'll wrap this up. I love you all, and I hope you have a wonderful day! Send me some mail! :o)

--Dixie Jean

PS: I figured out that I can put pictures on this, so here's one for ya!

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

First blog

Welcome y'all! :)

I decided to copy Josh (Hinckley) and make one of these journals for my family. Yup, that's you, Mom, Dad, Grandma, Nana, Poppy, Granddaddy, or whoever else wants to keep updated on what's going on over here. I probably will forget to update it every day, but I'll try to keep it posted with all the important stuff. I think that there's a button to click somewhere on the page that allows you to leave comments after you read the post, so feel free to do that!

I woke up at 9:30 today, and I absolutely cannot get my hair to lay flat. It's got so much volume that Farrah Fawcett would be jealous. That aside, I still really like the cut, and the color has gotten so many compliments. Thanks, Mom!

Today I have two classes, English and Sociology. I really like English but Sociology is not my favorite. The professor is nice and all, but I find it very hard to pay attention in that class. I better work on that, since we have a test on Monday (maybe on Wednesday?). Hooray, I've got some studying to do!

The job hunt still hasn't gotten very far, but I am calling and applying at The Children's Place today. It's a fashionable clothing store for kids. I think it'd be fun to work there. I also want to apply at Bath and Body Works. Yesterday, Emily landed a job at Wild Adventures. She'll be working in "Customer Service," which I take to mean that she'll be making those ID cards for people or maybe selling tickets. At least she's not cleaning toilets! I'm not thrilled with having to drive over to Valdosta to work, but Mom made the point that if I can schedule long days instead of shorter ones, it won't be as bad. That way, I can get in a good chunk of work with less driving. Anywho, wish me luck!

I guess that's about all I know for now, but start checking this daily for updates! I'll try to post entries by 5 p.m. so if you check after that time, there will probably be something new up here. No promises, though! I'm a busy girl!

I love you all,
Dixie Jean